Learn About the Game of Baseball


Learn About the Game of Baseball

Baseball is a hit-and-run game played between competing teams that alternately field and hit. The game is usually finished at the end of a day when one team has been declared to be “out”. When a team plays another during an “extra” or “post-season” game, those teams play until one team wins or ties the game.

Batters are given four bases to use in a baseball game. Opposing teams take turns being on offense and defense. The game continues until a team on the offensive team, known as the offense, hits a ball to a player on the defense’s third base, home plate, or the first base line. The team with the most runs scored at the end of the game wins. Baseball uses a fourteen-inning game, so each team has at least four hours of action per game.

Baseball is played with eleven players on each team. On offense, two teams take turns attempting to hit a baseball with a bat as the ball is thrown from one player to another in front of home plate. When a player hits a baseball, the team advances the ball forward and attempts to advance that many yards using runners.