Difference Between Sports and Other Activities


Difference Between Sports and Other Activities

Sports are organized physical activities and competitions. These satisfy the natural need for competition, physical exercise and play. All sports are competitive. This is perhaps the most important difference between sports and other activities. People play sports to compete with each other, whereas activities such as leisure or recreational pursuits are enjoyed together; they are not organized competitions. It is not possible to have a leisure or recreational activity that involves physical contact, where there is no possibility of competition, while it is possible to have sports where there is competition, but there is no possibility of harm coming to any participant.

There are different types of sports. They are divided based on the equipment used, the involvement of the participants and the activity involved in. Most common sports are contact sports such as soccer, ice hockey, football, wrestling and boxing. Other common sports include motor sports such as cycling, skiing, aerobics, and rowing.

Most people engage in these sports because they are physically healthy and they feel like participating in such physical activity. Sports also satisfy the need for socialization, where the participant will interact with other people who might be in a position to provide help or support. Sports are more enjoyable when they involve competitive activities, although they can also be enjoyed by people who participate in recreational activities or even by the entire family. This recreational activity is one of the best things that people can do for their body, mind and spirit.