Baseball is a contact sport played between teams that each take turns fielding and batting during a game. The game is normally played on an enclosed field with bases that are placed within a diamond or ball field. The game usually finishes on a winner’s winning team. When a team scores more runs in a game than the other team has, that team is declared the winner. Baseball, like most sports, is considered to be a “social sport” because it is played by individuals rather than teams.
In the American League, the home team starts at first base and the other team comes in next. When a team scores more runs in a game than the other team has, that team is declared the winner. Usually the game is played to no more than three hours but sometimes plays may be played for longer. Baseball is typically played indoors so the temperature tends to be very cool during the summer months but warm in the winter.
For baseball the players wear different uniforms depending on what position they are playing. The starting pitcher and relievers don’t wear the same type of clothing as the rest of the players on either team. The Batting Pegs are used by the offense or pitchers and the Baseball Fingers are used by the defense. Each team has twenty-four batsmen on each team and eleven outfielders.